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We Can Fix It Almost
As Fast As You Can
Break It.

We do fast phone repair. In most cases, technicians will be able to repair your device in just minutes, we’ll normally get your phone in and out in 45 minutes or less.

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Сервисный центр «DrHelp»

Ремонт смартфонов и ноутбуков в Архангельске. Работаем с 2015 года. Починили более 5000 устройств. Положительные отзывы, гарантия.

Где находится сервис?

We Can Fix It!

Our prices for iPhone repairs are competitive with anyone in the city. We repair cracked screens for all models of iPhones and repair broken buttons, speakers and cameras as well. Cracked screen on your new iPhone? We fix that.

Lansing, Delta Township

6334 W. Saginaw, Suite D
(810) 123 4567

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Grandville, Rivertown Crossings

4693 Wilson Ave SW, Ste J
(820) 123 4567

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Fort Wayne, Coldwater Rd.

4419 Coldwater Road
(830) 123 4567

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Ремонт ноутбуков

Бесплатная диагностика. Опытные мастера. Гарантия.

Latest News

Disable Keep Normal Photo Option to Save Storage Space
Disable Keep Normal Photo Option to Save Storage Space

Running out of storage space? One of the ways to free up storage space is not to keep the normal photos with the HDR function on your iPhone.

Do This Before You Sell your iPhone
Do This Before You Sell your iPhone

Are you planning to sell your iPhone? If yes, then read on to find out what you should do before you sell your Apple Smartphone. There is not just one thing you need to do before selling.

Режим работы: 11:00 — 20:00
пр. Троицкий, 16, 1 этаж (ТЦ «Сити–Центр»)
Телефон: 8(8182)460320

Сервисный центр «DrHelp» | г. Архангельск, пр. Троицкий, 16 | +7(8182)460320 | 2015 — 2020.